Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thanks everyone who had a part in making Shenandoah such a wonderful success. Producer Barbara Myers tells me that we cleared $18,000 which will be divided between our three charities!!! (A small kitty is being reserved to jump start our next production.) Many new and close friendships were formed. Some cast members became so close that we continue to get together informally on a nearly weekly basis. Watching the video; eating at Cici's or Sharlette's, watching the Oscars...
even renting a beach house together for a few days in April!! But these have been ad hoc cast it's time for the real thing!!!
All Cast & Crew Members are invited
to a big celebration at Ridge Ferry Park
(across the tracks from the playground.)
on April 24 at 5:30 p.m.for
the Official Shenandoah
Cast Party!!
And Proceeds Presentation
to Our Charities
Please RSVP by April 16, to Barbara Griffith at 295-6328.
Congratulations !! the whole company!! You - Stars in Our Eyes - have been awarded the 1998 Floyd College Foundation Community Award!!
Rudy, Bryan, Terrell & Bill accepted the award for you at the annual meeting of the foundation on March 26. And Terrell even got a chance to sing "Meditation" again for the occasion! It was also an occasion for our wonderful producer, Barbara Myers to be recognised for her many efforts on behalf of the Foundation...especially her leadership in making Shenandoah a success!
The dates have been set for the 1999 Stars in Our Eyes production of...
well... right now Rudy says "Oklahoma!" but you know Rudy. Put in your two cents worth if you have another suggestion. Barbara found that many of the contributors suggested that if there were a yearly production, businesses would be more likely to include Stars in their budgets. So the dates have been reserved (last two weeks of March). Terrell is frantically trying to find a role as big as Charlie Anderson to propose!!
I'm going to keep the site up for a while. How about forever! Let's do the Shenandoah again next week!! ??? OK, well let's come up with another great show to do next time.
Give us your suggestions!
Dates & Times
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Commission on Children & Youth
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